Completed November 24, 2018
Topaz had taken a desperate action, and Steven was left wondering why. Now on Peridot and Topaz's trail again, and ready to fight for their lives, Steven would find out that Topaz's desperate action was just the beginning of a long mystery that would leave him questioning himself just as much as he questioned whether or not Topaz is a good person.
Too, in prose form.
This is the big one, the part of Topaz's story that turned her into my first novel. Much love went into her story; to put everything my heart has gone through and is going through just thinking about all of it, from beginning to end, would require a book in and of itself. I would like to preemptively thank those who have come this far already and I'm going to thank you again once you make it to the very end.
*Mobile users: For some reason, the mobile version of this site may not display the entire body of text for part 3. But there is a downloadable PDF below for one's convenience.
*Desktop: For the story text that exists on this page, its formatting might be somewhat confusing in places due to word length, portions of the text not pasting over exactly as I had written them, and incorrect grammar. (This piece is divided into 3 sections on this page due to word length; italicized words did not remain italicized when copied over; and I wasn't as smart as I am now about formatting and punctuation.) I could reformat the text to optimize this page, but I feel sick about how many additional hours that would take. I apologize for this, but don't count on me correcting this later.
Just below, however, there is a downloadable PDF of Part 3 for one's convenience that has all the original formatting intact.
Steven Universe was looking out at the ocean from the beach. It was some time since that day with Peridot and Topaz. He had talked to Connie and his dad about it. His dad was particularly worried, and even went so far as to confront the Gems about it. It was a weird situation. Steven didn’t like being there during. (The Gems kind of brushed him off, as usual, but the point was communicated: protect my son.)
Steven had no idea why Topaz did what she did, but he could only imagine that she hurt more than he could have possibly known—to sink into something truly hopeless. He thought that it could have had something to do with Peridot, the way she talked to her, but that was something in the air right now and Steven felt it was more than that, that it was out there in the air as well, but he couldn't find it.
For now, Steven just wondered where on Earth Peridot could be, and if Topaz was ok.
One day, on the back end of summer, Steven and the Crystal Gems warped to a mountainous terrain covered in a dense snow. The warp pad was slick with the snow it melted and Steven slipped off it and fell very deep into the snow around it. He laughed and played in it. Amethyst joined him, shapeshifting silly things into the snow, like a canvas, creating something Salvador Dali would be proud of. The asymmetry of it made Pearl particularly bothered, Steven could tell. He had to hitch a ride atop Garnet's hair--the snow went up to her thighs.
They were here due to something anomalous in the region that’d been causing unprecedented avalanches throughout the area. It was most likely a corrupted Gem, and if it continued on this path, the avalanches would reach the human villages interspersed here. In the distance, Steven could see a distinct difference in the amount of snow that covered the mountains ahead. The valley at the base of them was piled with snow that'd fallen, and it was really getting close to swallowing a small town just at the end of it.
They came to the ledge where the snow dropped into the valley. Steven just looked at all of it, feeling the vastness of it. Garnet put him down next to her, with her back to the valley, and simply said, “I’ll meet you down there.” She then fell backwards and began sliding down the mountain slope on her back. Steven gasped and watched her go. The friction didn’t slow her down. (Steven didn’t question it, it must be a Gem thing.) He just summoned his shield, whooped to the air, and hopped on it, sliding down the mountain, too.
The rushing wind nearly blew off his hat as he tried to follow Garnet, who looked quite like a worm that wiggled its red body around to go faster and maneuver. Steven breathed in so much frigid air as he was laughing at it that it hurt. He tried to wiggle a little, too, but quit when he nearly lost his balance. “Steven, please be careful,” Pearl called, seeing this. She was next to him on skis. “Don’t be reckless.” Just then, Amethyst sped past her on a snowboard, hurling snow on her in the process. Pearl huffed. She squatted down and sped after Amethyst.
They raced. Around boreal trees, boulders, and even a goat! Pearl vaulted off a mound between two trees and did elegant tricks midair, the names and likes of which Steven could never quite remember (salmons and cows, and things like that). Pearl stuck the landing with grace, and reached the bed of the valley first. Garnet slid to a stop just beneath a big tree, and Amethyst landed in the tree.
Steven tried to be like Pearl and saw a ramp in the snow ahead of him. He gunned for it. But, instead of sliding gracefully into the air, it was actually a boulder he slammed into and it launched him off his shield and he yodeled in fear. But, he landed safely in Garnet’s arms.
Excited, Steven turned to Pearl, who, of course, was worried about him, and said, “Wow! Pearl, you were going so fast! And those moves! I mean, that was amazing!” Pearl took in his praise with a hand daintily over her collar.
“Oh, Steven,” she said. “Well, I…” Both Garnet and Amethyst just looked at her with their hands on their hips or crossed. Pearl cleared her throat, “Do as I say, not as I do.…”
Garnet set Steven down. He told her that she looked like a worm. “Really,” she said. “I was going for snow shark. Guess you can’t be cool all the time.”
Steven and the Crystal Gems walked deeper into the valley, and where the piled snow ended, they started up the mountains. Steven could see over to the village clearly. There had to have been, maybe, twenty homes. Some people were out with their animals and he thought some of them noticed him and the Gems. After a while, they climbed with their hands, but Amethyst turned into a hawk and flew. Then, Steven started to hear something very strange. Through the wind and his hat he heard screaming. It wasn’t anything he recognized though. It hurt his ears, and something about it reminded him of dial tones from a phone. “We have to hurry,” said Garnet. They climbed faster. Steven held on tight.
When they hopped up on a ridge, Steven was able to walk on his own again. The screaming was less clear now, quiet. “Garnet,” said Steven, “what is that?”
“You guys!” called Amethyst from the sky. “Over here!” They followed her to a cave nearly hidden in the snow. The electric screams came from it.
They approached the cave. The voice was gone. Then, Steven saw the cave glow. “Get down!” Garnet yelled. Steven fell face first in the snow. Something whirred over his head, and when he looked up again, some of the snow around the entrance to the cave was melted. “Peridot!”
“Don’t come any closer!” said Peridot, holding up her plasma canon. The screaming came back from the cave.
“Put the weapon down! You’ve nowhere to go!”
“Try anything and I’ll reduce you to slag!” Amethyst set down atop the cave and shifted to normal, then summoned her whip. But, no one moved. Steven was again hit with a wash of pain from the screaming. It was loud. Steven saw some snow fall from the top of the cave. Peridot looked back inside.
“Peridot!” said Steven, “What’s wrong? We can help you!” It was quiet for a moment, just a moment. Then Steven’s reply bombarded them from the cave through the snow, as Peridot shot her plasma canon wildly. Everyone ran and took cover; Steven summoned his shield. The snow around them seared and melted instantly.
Peridot came to the entrance of the cave, still shooting everywhere. She was haggard. As the Crystal Gems were scattered, she ran back in the cave and came back lugging something in her arms. She emerged, and Steven started coughing because he had inhaled the cold. It took him a second to realize it was Topaz in her arms. Her braid was missing, so was her right arm from the elbow down. She had two thighs, one shin, but no feet. Her only hand hung listlessly from her broken body. Steven felt his nose burning from wanting to cry.
As soon as Peridot emerged from the cave, Amethyst swung her whip and wrapped Peridot around the hips. She yanked her to the ground, causing Topaz’s body—what was left of her—to drop pitifully into the snow. Topaz, as if from the shock of the coldness, tensed all over, arched her back, and let out a bloodcurdling cry. It was like an explosion. It crawled through Steven's skin.
Garnet and Pearl were running for Topaz and Peridot, but then the air felt like it shifted, like the ocean does when in sucks back in air and water to make more waves, but multiplied by 100. Everyone felt it.
Peridot shot up at Amethyst, who jumped away, and Garnet and Pearl ran for Steven. The mountain itself moved around his feet—an avalanche was coming.
Peridot scooped up Topaz as Garnet scooped up Steven. She held him close and took him to Amethyst. “Take Steven and fly!” she said. Amethyst shapeshifted again, this time into Dog-copter, grabbed Steven and went up with him. Garnet and Pearl ran and jumped down the mountain. The avalanche stampeded after them. And it was barreling for the village.
Steven saw some people in the village running away and indoors. Garnet and Pearl jumped into one another, spun in the air and vanished into a white light. Out came their fusion, whom Steven had never met before. She was so tall and orange, and she created a massive cartoonish mallet made from Pearl's spear and Garnet's gauntlets.
This fusion was elegant and strong, moving less like a dancer and less like a brawler and more like an acrobat. In front of the village, she brought the hammer down and sent a wave of energy straight through the avalanche and up the length of the mountain. It split the snow asunder and caused it to deviate to the left and right of the village.
Steven felt the wind from the hammer as the energy it made went up the mountain. And as he followed its path, Peridot, midair with Topaz, caught his attention. Peridot was flying away, holding Topaz by the hand. She hung like a dead fish on the end of a hook. Topaz's weight had Peridot hanging sideways. Then suddenly she wasn’t. Peridot’s body swung as Topaz fell from her. Topaz’s hand was still in Peridot’s, and the rest of her fell into the split avalanche. She disappeared in the snow.
Steven screamed for her. Peridot became hysterical, flying low over the moving snow. It took a long time for the snow to finally settle to begin a search. Enormous piles were on either side of the village and many of the people there came to look at the snow and the Crystal Gems and Peridot. Peridot used a beam of light to melt the snow. She walked on top of the snow like she was walking on water and shot at the Crystal Gems whenever they tried to near.
“Peridot, please! We can help you,” begged Steven.
Garnet and Pearl’s fusion hopped atop the mountain of snow. Her legs sank. Peridot stopped melting the snow and took direct aim at their fusion, backing away from her. She shot her plasma canon. Garnet and Pearl’s fusion caught the plasma shots in her four hands and juggled them. She threw them back around Peridot’s feet, making her dance.
Peridot went airborne again, and Garnet and Pearl’s fusion made a great leap for her. Peridot shot more plasma at her, which did little as she caught them again. With one of her four hands free, the fusion grabbed Peridot by the leg. Peridot screamed as the weight of the fusion started both of them hurtling back down to the snow.
Falling, Peridot reached for her leg. The next thing Steven noticed was that she and the fusion separated, and Peridot was flying away. She was missing half her leg.
Garnet and Pearl’s fusion landed square in the snow, with part of Peridot’s leg. Amethyst, with Steven, flew down to her. Amethyst set Steven down in front of the fusion. He was hit by her height, her garishness, and the gap in her teeth.
The fusion stooped down to him. "Good evening, darling. This is the lovely Sardonyx." She bowed as she could from her position, using her other three hands to present herself. “I wish we could have met under better circumstances.” She stood up. “Now, then. Let’s find that missing Gem in the rough, shall we?”
Sardonyx turned and walked in the snow. Steven and Amethyst followed her and stopped when Sardonyx stopped. Sardonyx turned to Amethyst. “Be a doll and hold this for me, will you?” she said, handing her Peridot’s foot. She took it, then Sardonyx got on her knees and put all four of her arms in the snow. She seemed to know exactly where to dig. No sooner did she start did she unbury Topaz.
Two of Sardonyx’s hands were enough to cradle Topaz. She looked so lifeless. Closer, Steven saw she was missing teeth, one of her eyes seemed like it was caving in its own socket, her hair was falling out, her skin was brittle, and her Gem was broken horribly. She didn’t breath and she didn’t move, but she was looking at Steven with her one eye. That was the only thing that gave Steven hope.
Sardonyx stood up with her and started walking. Steven was startled. Catching up with Sardonyx, he wiped his eyes and said, “Wait! Let me heal her!”
Sardonyx picked up Steven with a free hand—and picked up Amethyst with her last--and said to him, "We're going on a little trip, darling. To you mother's fountain."
“But I can help!”
“I know you can, sweetie. But this is to be safe,” she said. “You can try to help her now if you want.”
She brought Steven close to Topaz. Closer, he saw fear. For the first time in Topaz, he saw the fear in her. And there, tied to it, was sadness. "Topaz," said Steven, "I'm going to help you. Please, hang on." He then ungloved his hand and licked his palm. As gently as he could, he placed his hand on Topaz's Gem. He could feel the sharpness of the fractures. They were big.
Steven took his hand away. He waited an agonizing moment. Then he swore he saw some cracks in Topaz’s Gem get smaller. Topaz herself even started moving again. She looked straight up to the sky with her one eye, and looked like she was about to say something. But then, she started quivering. She was shaking all over. “Topaz,” called Steven. “Topaz, what’s wrong?!” The look in Topaz’s eye reminded him of when he accidentally cut her in half. She then arched her back, and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Her cracked Gem tumbled in Sardonyx’s hand.
Steven cried. “What happened?! Why didn’t it work?!”
“Maybe she was too far gone,” said Amethyst, still clutching Peridot’s dismembered foot.
“Is she gone?”
“She’s not gone,” said Sardonyx. “Not yet. She couldn’t sustain her physical form any longer. Our only hope now is your mother’s fountain. You did a wonderful job, baby. Whatever happens, don’t ever blame yourself. Now, hold onto me tight.”
“Topaz,” said Steven, “fight back! You have to! Just a little bit longer!”
Sardonyx, with Steven, Amethyst and Topaz’s Gem, sprinted through the snow and vaulted up the mountains back to the warp site. The last thing Steven saw before they warped away was Peridot watching them, in the air just above them.
“Hurry! Hurry,” exclaimed Steven, rushing ahead of everyone.
Sardonyx soon passed him with her long legs. “I'm going as fast as I can, love."
Amethyst caught up with Steven and ran with him with Peridot’s leg. “Do you think there’s still time?” he said, “Do you think this’ll work?”
"I dunno!” said Amethyst. “Why you gotta ask me? How’m I s’posed to know?”
As he ran through the lush greenery surrounding his mother’s fountain, Steven noticed that everything had been trimmed and made symmetrical into a neat and functional garden; there was a clear path from the warp pad to the fountain.
Steven raced with Amethyst to Sardonyx. Sardonyx was kneeling. Running to her side, Steven saw her gingerly place Topaz’s Gem in the fountain’s waters. It sank when she let go. To the bottom. Steven held his breath as if he were the one at the bottom of the fountain.
Nothing happened. No flash of light. No beam of change. The gentle ripples in the fountain distorted Topaz's Gem at the bottom of it.
“We’re too late,” blandly said Amethyst.
Sardonyx said, “Now, Amethyst—”
“NO!” Steven screamed. “We can’t be too late! Not after everything we’ve been through! Everything she’s been through!” His tears were mixing into the fountain. Sardonyx suddenly split apart, back to Pearl and Garnet. Steven spoke to the water. “Topaz! You have to wake up! Come back! Peridot needs you!”
Garnet picked up Steven and consoled him. “Oh, Steven,” she said. She started back to the warp pad.
Pearl and Amethyst were with him, too. Tears in her eyes, Pearl said, “We did all we could, Steven. Please.”
“Yeah,” Amethyst just said.
Garnet whispered to him, “Whatever you do, don’t ever blame yourself. None of this is your fault.”
Over Garnet’s shoulder, Steven looked to the crying statue of his mother. It made him cry more. Everything was blurry and small.
Steven thought he saw his mother reach out to him. Her loving and strong hand reached out to him, consoled him, and made him feel less like he was falling apart. Despite how mysterious his mother was, Steven often turned to thinking of her in times of self-doubt.
And Steven did have his doubts, especially now, having failed to save someone's life. His mother would have known what to do. She could've done more, done better. Steven was just Steven and could only try his best. Sometimes his best wasn't good enough.
Steven wiped his eyes and looked up again. He saw the color brown. “Topaz?” he exclaimed. Everyone turned around to see her crawling out of the fountain. They ran over.
Topaz was on her hands and knees, soaked and dripping. Her long braid of hair was gone, but her small one was still there, surrounded by hair that dropped just past her ear on one side and fell to the nape of her neck on the other. The rest of her hair below her headband was an undercut. Wet, it covered her face as she collected herself. It didn’t cover her Gem, and when Steven saw it looking pristine, as if it had never been cracked in the first place, he breathed out the color black, and his tears dried. Garnet set him down and summoned her gauntlets.
“Topaz, you’re ok,” said Steven. “How’re you feeling?”
Topaz lifted her head and shoved her wet hair back out of her face. She had the most incredulous expression that could’ve been a mixture of many things; anger, maybe confusion, but more than anything, disbelief.
She stared wide-eyed at the Gems, and at Peridot’s foot. “It’s ok,” said Steven, “we’re not here to fight.” As he said this Garnet stepped forward, her stance wide. “Garnet?” Topaz shot up from her knees, her stance wide, too, and her hands up.
Then Garnet stopped, and Steven overheard Amethyst gasp, “What?” He looked to Topaz again, and aside from her hair he didn’t notice anything else different about her. Then Garnet’s gauntlets vanished. Steven blinked.
And so did Topaz. She looked at Garnet, who dropped her fighter stance. Pearl put a hand on her chest. Garnet said it was ok, and stepped a little to the side so as not to be in direct line to Topaz. Topaz lowered her hands, then her shoulders. She took the Crystal Gems in with caution.
She started toward them slowly, rigidly. Then Steven saw it. The Yellow Diamond insignia on her chest was gone! He thought about what it could mean, and jumped to the possibility that she was on their side now.
She was so close now, and her tallness took him by surprise. The last time Topaz was this close to Steven he had accidentally cut her in half. She didn’t look at him, but walked passed him, to Amethyst. She stopped in front of her and looked hard at her. She held out a hand and said, “Give it back.”
Amethyst looked at Topaz with disgust. Then she looked to Garnet, who nodded. Amethyst was hesitant, but she smacked her gums and said, “Whatever,” tossing Topaz Peridot’s foot. Topaz caught it.
Everyone just stood and stared. Then Topaz scuffed up dirt, starting for the warp.
“That’s it?!” said Amethyst, throwing up her arms. Topaz didn’t stop.
Pearl put a hand on Amethyst’s shoulder. “Amethyst, please.”
Amethyst shook it off. “Excuse you?! We just saved that dirtbag’s life!”
Garnet took her other shoulder. “Amethyst…”
“No,” she said, starting after Topaz. “Hey! You! Witch!” Everyone started after Amethyst. Steven called for her. “Is that it?! You just gonna walk away?!”
Steven pulled on her, “Don’t!”
Amethyst grabbed him by the wrist. “If it wasn’t for Steven, you’d be gone! The least you could do is show a little appreciation!” Then Amethyst got right up behind Topaz and said, “Bimbo!”
Topaz stopped. She put Peridot’s leg down, standing it upright. She turned and came straight for Amethyst, grabbing her by her leotard and lifting her above her head. The Crystal Gems shouted for Amethyst and surrounded Topaz. Topaz just looked Amethyst in her eye. Steven pleaded for Topaz to let her go, but Garnet and Pearl had to take her to the ground to get her to do so.
Garnet and Pearl got off Topaz. The Crystal Gems stood together in front of her. Topaz got up and took back Peridot’s leg. She continued to the warp. Amethyst huffed.
As soon as Topaz stepped onto the warp, she was gone.
“Well, there she goes,” said Amethyst. She turned to Garnet. “Why? Why did you just let her go? She’s dangerous! She could be anywhere! She… she could—”
“Let’s follow her,” said Garnet. She stepped up on the warp pad, and the rest of the Crystal Gems followed suit.
When the light from the warp dissipated, the world opened up again to the snowy mountains. Steven looked around perplexed, but then he saw Topaz trudging through the deep snow, away from them. She tore a ravine in her wake.
“She’ll be back,” said Garnet.
They waited. The cold felt refreshing, for Steven didn’t realize how hot he was coming from the Rose Garden in his heavy winter wear. As they waited, Steven decided to get a little rambunctious and hurled a snowball at Pearl’s back. She turned to him and Amethyst who were snickering to each other. Then a perfectly spherical snowball slapped Amethyst square on the nose. Amethyst's jaw dropped! But a nasty grin grew from her lips, and she started chucking compacted handfuls of snow at Pearl, who danced out of their way. Steven joined them, getting pelted by Amethyst and only ever grazed by Pearl.
After a while, Steven was feeling the abrasiveness of the cold on his face and it had reached him under his layers of sweaters and coats. The decision to quit playing was made with a big sniffle. Garnet hadn’t moved from the warp pad. She was looking out where Topaz had left. Steven couldn’t see her anywhere, though her trail was still there. Steven couldn’t see Peridot. With another sniffle, he walked over to the warp pad. Pearl and Amethyst stopped when Steven stopped. “Cold?” said Garnet. Steven sniffled. “Come here.” Garnet sat yoga-like and she and Steven embraced. Garnet was warm. Steven huddled up against her, and turned his head every now and then to warm his face evenly. Amethyst and Pearl came to sit with them.
Garnet made Steven warm and toasty. He was fading in and out as he was so comfortable he was about to fall asleep. But, then he heard Garnet say his name. He didn't know if he had fallen asleep at all, or how much time had passed, but he looked up and saw Topaz walking their way, through the same path she had carved earlier. She still had Peridot’s foot.
Steven got out of Garnet’s lap, and she stood and stepped forward. Topaz stopped before the warp pad and she and Garnet stared each other down. Steven felt a chill roll over him.
“She’s left,” said Garnet. Topaz didn’t say anything. “She could be anywhere. Are you going to search the whole world for her? She could be one warp away. Or she could be thousands away. What are the chances of you choosing the right one?”
“Why are you here?” challenged Topaz.
“We are here,” said Garnet in her tallness, “to protect Earth. From the likes of you. Why are you here?”
“You,” spat Topaz, “do not have to involve yourself with me anymore, it's obvious. And you certainly shouldn't try to reach out to me.”
“I could care less about that,” said Garnet. “What I care about is what you’re going to do. So, what’ll it be?”
Topaz looked insulted. “You’re not going to stop me”
Topaz started toward the warp pad, showing no sign of stopping. She walked right up to Garnet and looked her in the shades. “Move,” she said. They glared at each other. Then Garnet stepped down off the warp pad, as Topaz stepped up.
Pearl and Amethyst didn’t question; they did the same. But, Steven stayed. “Garnet?” he said.
“Come down, Steven. Let her go.”
Pearl interjected, “Steven, you come down here this instant!”
Steven turned to Topaz and looked up at her. Her eyes were colder than the boreal snow.
“We have Peridot’s escape pod,” he blurted. “It can tell us whenever a warp is being used, wherever in the world it is.”
“What are you doing?!” said Amethyst.
“We can help you,” said Steven. Topaz glanced at Garnet, then back to Steven. “Until we find Peridot. You could stay with us.”
Amethyst and Pearl both exclaimed in tandem, “OH NO! That’s not even a QUESTION!!!”
“So, she hasn’t moved from that spot since?” said Greg. Steven had been at the car wash today.
“No,” said Steven. “I mean, I’ve never seen her come down. She just stays up there, at the top of the lighthouse. All day. All night, too, from what Garnet tells me.”
“Well…” Greg looked at Steven, sitting slouched on the back of his van next to his son, in such a dogged way, “For the sake of my blood pressure, let Topaz keep her privacy?”
That same evening, Steven made way up the hill to the lighthouse. He carried with him a stomach full of unrest, and it got more full the higher he climbed up the lighthouse’s spiral staircase. When he got to the hatch at the top of the steps that let out to the gallery, Steven grabbed his bellybutton and breathed.
The hatch creaked open. Fresh air blew through Steven’s hair, which somehow made him more anxious. He pulled himself up and started around the lighthouse, to the side facing the sea. The first thing he saw was Peridot’s foot, then Topaz’s foot propped on the railing that surrounded the gallery. Topaz was leaning against the lighthouse with her arms crossed, just looking out. Steven couldn’t see her face behind her hair in the wind. She looked too much like a statue, and it reminded him too much of that day when she fell into the ocean.
“Anything?” said Topaz, snapping Steven from his trance.
“Has there been any activity from the warp system?” she said more sharply.
“Um, n-no! I mean—”
“Then what?”
Steven was feeling rushed and pushed. “I just… was wondering,” he said. “Are you feeling ok?”
Now Topaz looked him dead in the eye. It stung him in the belly. “No.”
"...You wanna talk about it?”
“Not in the mood. To talk.”
She looked back to what she was looking at, if it was anything. Steven stood there a moment, with the wind climbing up the lighthouse, holding onto his bellybutton. “I’ll come back later,” he said, then left. Topaz, and Peridot’s foot, disappeared as he rounded the gallery. Steven was consumed the way Topaz looked at him just now. He also thought, again, on why Topaz is the way she is. And he thought sincerely of Topaz and Peridot, what they must mean to each other, whatever that may be.
From the beach outside his home, Steven has a picturesque view of the lighthouse looming over his home. He could see Topaz as a speck. Then he went inside and found Pearl cooking dinner. Beef stroganoff.